Dear Woman: Some Sage Advice To Your Younger Self
We recently asked a few amazing women (who happen to hail from many different walks of life) a simple, yet profound question: What is one piece of advice that you would give your younger self?
“Hindsight” is 2020 so read on to hear their insights and gain some true gems of knowledge… We have a feeling that you may enjoy reading these as much as we did. :)
AMorgan Studios - Worcester, Massachusetts Boudoir Studio
Dear Woman: Some Sage Advice To Your Younger Self
BY: AMorgan Studios - Worcester, Massachusetts Boudoir Studio
Save Your Money.
AMorgan Studios - Worcester, Massachusetts Boudoir Studio
You’ve heard the phrase, money doesn’t grow on trees. Well, such is a statement that actually grows more and more true with time and learning how to save money early on is a worthy skill - one that will help situate you for success in your future. Now, before you roll your eyes at the cliche, we aren’t talking about anything crazy… You don’t have to skip the guac, per say. Just try your best to read the fine print and always watch out for excessive spending. Hello, Amazon? :)
Remember that material objects aren’t what’s important in life - experiences are. After all, if you’ve got a roof over your head and a safe place to sleep at night then you’re good. Plus, the more that you have saved up means the more prepared you are to experience life and all of its treasures when the time is right… like traveling the world. Land and home owners, anyone? For some easy tips and practical pointers to help you stash those hard earned funds away, check out 16 Ways to Save Money on a Tight Budget by our friends over at Clever Finance.
2. Be Your Authentic Self.
AMorgan Studios - Worcester, Massachusetts Boudoir Studio
Growing up as young women in this world (and especially in the USA) we are often programmed to place value on fitting in. Take it from some wise women who have done the legwork: changing who you are in order to be accepted in a certain group will most definitely hold you back in life and keep you from discovering (and living) your true purpose.
Wasting time and energy with the wrong tribe will drain you. Instead, use your precious time and energy wisely; seek to be around others who show you unconditional love. The souls who celebrate you for who you are -regardless of their expectations- are the people that belong in your life.
To help you along on your journey, check out Psychology Today’s "20 Ways To Develop Your Authenticity" for some inspiration and see just how far being your authentic self takes you.
3. Moisturize, Every Day.
AMorgan Studios - Worcester, Massachusetts Boudoir Studio
Few moments can be more terrifyingly daunting in a woman’s life than when we discover our first “gray” or notice newly formed wrinkles on our face. It means that we are traveling down the choo-choo train of getting old! Fear not, though, because there are practical steps that we can all take to soften the blow.
Moisturizing your beautiful face, daily, is one guaranteed way to slow the inevitable aging process as it allows your body the self-care and self-love that it deserves. Most facial moisturizers on the market today contain SPF which will also help nourish and protect your skin. Unsure of which moisturizer to use for a specific skin type? We got you! Check out DermStore’s "Best Moisturizers for Your Skin Type" to get acquainted.
4. Listen to Your Parents.
AMorgan Studios - Worcester, Massachusetts Boudoir Studio
Part of growing up is making your own decisions and learning your lessons - true. However, you don’t have to completely ignore the people who raised you in doing so. After all, when we rebel against our parents - who are we actually hurting? Them or us?
A sage piece of advice is to always respect your parents and listen to them, even if it’s just a little. Remember that they only want what is best for you and they love you, ultimately! So, that not-so-nice boyfriend that your dad doesn’t like? He may be right. That job opportunity that your mom thinks you should take? She may just be on to something.
Now, we aren’t saying that you have to submit to every single request or suggestion that they give you as a growing woman but, a word to the wise: giving your parents the benefit of the doubt and hearing them out on decisions that affect you is priceless… especially when it comes to matters of the heart. If you don’t believe us, check out All Women’s Talk “7 Reasons to Listen to Your Parents” to drive the point home.
5. Stay Single in Your 20’s and Do You.
AMorgan Studios - Worcester, Massachusetts Boudoir Studio
Topping off our list of sage advice that women would give their younger self is perhaps one of the hardest things to do: Stay Single in your 20’s. If you find yourself in a marriage or a relationship right now, please don’t fret. There are always exceptions to the rules and it’s likely that you are lucky enough to have found your life partner early on.
For the majority of young people, however, staying single in your 20’s allows you much needed time to discover your true self.
When you aren’t tied down to a relationship, you are free to invest in yourself as you see fit. What does investing in yourself mean? It means traveling, trying new things; it means making mistakes and learning to love yourself as you are. More than anything, it means giving yourself time and space to grow into the wonderful woman that you are destined to become.
Now, take a deep breath and check out 14 Reasons to Enjoy Being Single in Your 20's by our friends at Inspiring Tips for some extra motivation! :)
As you journey through life, never forget who you are. Keep these 5 little pieces of wisdom tucked away in the back of your pockets and pull them out as you need! Who knows… they may just help you become the very best version of yourself; the woman you are destined to be.
“A wise woman can predict the future because she creates it.”
AMorgan Studios - Worcester, Massachusetts Boudoir Studio